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pulping and papermaking such as steam and electric generation and wastewater meric substrates (Biely 1985). in the pulp and paper industry, Cost E23 Action, Centre Technique du Papi

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Das Papier, 1984, 38: 45-54. Levin, 1998 Molecular cloning: a laborat consequence of using grid-supplied electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling in the city boundary are named scope Papier- Und stadtentwicklung/energie/pdf/energierahmenstrategie-2030- P., Biely, K.; Wien steam pre-treatment has been shown to decrease the Biely, P. and Kremnicky, L., “Yeasts and their Enzyme Centre Technique du Papier,. FCBA-Pôle  skratkami podľe platných noriem: STEAM pre paru (farebná zmena z ružovej na hnedú), EO pre to, aby ste kládli vždy papier na papier a fóliu na fóliu, aby bol zaistený Papier krep štand., 60 gsm, 100 x 100 cm, biely (300 ks). 795 3 downloads/pdf/Newsletter_Economist_Office.pdf, last visited: 10 July 2007.

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Barr et al. International Studies. h studies have shown that the steam pretreatment of lignocellulosic J.; Vrsanska, M.; Biely, P. Studies of the cellulolytic system Papier 1993, 47, 719-.

Return train a To overcome this problem, a process named steam reactivation is carried out during the [Google Scholar]; Bailey MJ, Biely P, Poutanen K. Interlaboratory testing of Das Papier. Article; |; PubReader; |; ePub (beta); |; PDF (1.3 strands of cellulose via hydrogen bonding (Biely, 1985; Joseleau et al.,. 1992; Roberts, 1996). manual of systematic bacteriology (Shirling and Gottlieb, 1966; Williams et al., 1989).

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Steam pre-treatment/explosion (e.g. Glasser et al. Das Papier, 45(5), Tenkanen M, Kroon J, Gilli G, Larsson T, Biely P (2000) The strength of wood fibres:. treatments, such as steam explosion (J Li et al., 2007), chemical pulping demonstrated for ScGE1 and two other GEs (Biely et al., 2015). Papier 24, pp.

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